music for the films of bUSTER
The High Sign / One Week
The High Sign
1. Introduction (:37)
2. The High Sign Theme (:42)
3. Target Practice (1:16)
4. The Blinking Buzzards (1:06)
5. Good Shot - Swearing In - Shooting Gallery (2:30)
6. Chase - Cop (5:43)
7. The High Sign Theme - At the Home of August
Nickelnurser (1:10)
8. Chase - Caught (3:21)
9. The High Sign Theme (1:56)
One Week
10. One Week Theme - The Wedding (:27)
11. Reckless Driving (1:39)
12. Construction (:49)
13. Oh, Well - The Piano (3:12)
14. Fight (2:05)
15. Oh, Well - Bath Scene (1:42)
16. Housewarming Party and Storm (2:32)
17. One Week Theme - Aftermath (2:19)
18. Here Comes the Train (:44)
19. Oh, Well (:49)
The second album in Frisell's Buster Keaton series,
The High Sign/One Week has two soundtracks for two Buster
Keaton shorts. While they don't quite have the same sensitive mournful
quality I find so moving in Go West, the album is full of
wonderfully Frisell-ian surprises. Like Go West, each film
is given a few short themes which are run through a variety of interpretations.
This album is a little bit more out than Go West, with plenty
of forrays into more abstract playing. It also has a bit more of a rock
edge to it, with Frisell's wailing Hendrix like tone coming out on a few
The album is only thirty five minutes however,
and while it is quite good, that does create another factor in the purchase.
But the album does have the stunning Frisell/Baron/Driscoll interplay that
makes Go West so wonderful, which makes it worth getting
in my book.
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